Tuesday, 7 July 2015


In AS media as we had many difficulties with getting enough footage due to our lack of preparation this meant that some of the footage wasn't high enough quality for the final product, however through our editing we adapted and  the lower quality ones so that it would be good enough to use.

This quote applies to my media as from the difficulties and mistakes that we faced, we had to find compromises to make sure that we could continue with the filming, such as when our actors were finding it difficult to follow our script so we adapted it even though it changed our idea, we accepted the change. 

Another skill we developed in planning was set-dressing.  As our script involved a number of locations (hospital, chat show and restaurant scenes) we either needed access to these places or had to recreate them ourselves.  Despite trying to get access to a hospital filming location we were refused (due to cost) so we used our creativity to get round the problem.  We dressed a backstage dressing room in school with a mattress, a drip and a sheet to make it look like a hospital bed.  We shot the scene in a tight mid shot so that it was easier to disguise the location. This shows how from our research and planning of locations such as hospital we re-created/ "mimicked" the result of what a hospital looka likes. 

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