Friday, 29 January 2016

Trial Exam Feedback

Trial Exam Feedback

Total Mark - 52/100

Section A
1a) 15/25 -
Not enough Specific Examples given and not related to the final productions- e.g. you state that you have watched over 8 music videos and that they gave you a clearer picture of what to include in terms of narrative and cinematography but you took from this research and put into your own work -e.g scenes of rebellion with the band in the middle, close up shots of band members etc.
Give examples of questions you asked the audience and how you used the answers to improve your work.
You must also reflect on how the final production improved as a result of better R and P
Remember you are making ancillary texts too at A2 and these should be referenced.
Use Key Terminology

1b) 8/25
You have not analysed your work in terms of theories of narrative. Although you have a clear understating of Andres Goodwin's theories of music videos theory, your answer is not specifically about narrative; you need to be careful that you address the question. State in the first paragraphh that your video is not a performance video but a narrative (featuring members of your band). The examiner wants to see you engage with a number of narrative theorists - you must try and apply Levi-stauss' binary  oppositions , or Todorov's equilibrium or Barthes Engima and Action codes. Link your narrative more explicitly to audience ( how you hook in the audience with inter-textual references to news items)

Section B - Question 6: 29/ 50

Prepare more historical and modern examples that connect together.
Attempt to use more theorist terminology accurately.
Practice planning questions so that the answer has a clearer argument.

Friday, 8 January 2016
